The Rocking Comedy Show 980 we ask the question “Can us make clothes out of belly button lint?” We have or friend Jensen Buck coming by to teach us the how to make the perfect waffle and maybe he will play a few tunes for us. Jensen is bringing with him Troy Hartman Spike Coggins who will tell us about…


The Rocking Comedy Show 980 we ask the question “Can us make clothes out of belly button lint?” We have or friend Jensen Buck coming by to teach us the how to make the perfect waffle and maybe he will play a few tunes for us. Jensen is bringing with him Troy Hartman Spike Coggins who will tell us about how he use to wrestle grizzly bears and he will teach us the many uses for an old sock. Also on the show we have the Time Machine of Music, the word of the day, and we have some left over cover tunes from yesterday we didn’t get too. Mario Zapata will also be joining the party along with Chaotic Kim