• A great comment about the Twisted Christmas Show

    HELLO ROCKING COMEDY SHOW Let me just come out and say how disgusted I am about the Twisted Christmas Show part 1…I won’t even give part 2 a chance. For weeks Jay you keep telling us to listen because it’s the greatest show you will do all year, a little warning about the material would…

A great comment about the Twisted Christmas Show


Let me just come out and say how disgusted I am about the Twisted Christmas Show part 1…I won’t even give part 2 a chance. For weeks Jay you keep telling us to listen because it’s the greatest show you will do all year, a little warning about the material would of been a nice heads up!! I have put up with a lot of the shit you and Mike talked about, but this show needs to be pulled from the archives and stored in your two fag asses!!! If you need votes for Sirius you won’t get mine. I was appauled to hear about a woman who sleeps with homeless teenage boys and you all laughing about it. Then you have a preacher from the church of satain coming on during Christmas and he sings a song about Jesus being a sand nigger? Who finds this funny?

Take a perfectly talented guy like Mike and subjecting him to this material.why did he not leave the room is beyond me. If you guys were going for shock value then you win, I hated it like I hate Howard Stern. Thank god he no longer does radio he got what he deserves. You both should apologize on your next show to everyone, and let them know that next year’s show will uphold the christian name of Christ, and you won’t play offensive Christmas Music, or have whores on, and weird priests, people using offensive material like Mother F***Ker, and more. Then to make it worse you praise songs about your junk…which I am assuming is one big penis joke. Then to make it OK you bring Elvis in to sing Christmas songs and say…”Now it feels like a Christmas Show.” Why because he sang blue Christmas…the whole show was very unlike Christmas.

Everyone that was apart of that show should be ashamed of themselves. I am done with the Rocking Comedy Show

Eveliyn  Smith