Tonight!!! The Rocking Comedy Show is BACK!! It’s our first show for 2021 and we can’t wait to get on the air. We of course will be LIVE on www.RadioVegas.Rocks as well as a few more stations which I will announce on the show! We have Jarol Martin visiting us in hour 2. I will have news about the all new hour 2 coming up on the show tonight. New Music from CORE, Jason Rylan Post Rome, The Vices, and more! We Will have your favorite music game, now with a twist, also Romance Novel or title of a Porn, and more. Joining me on our first show back is Rcs JayNine and Dan Doran we have been gone a month so you know we have stuff to talk about. Tune in LIVE 6-9pm (pst) on www.RadioVegas.Rocks #wherevegasgoestorock #radiovegasrocks #OnLineIsTheNewFM!